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Sitting is not the only thing...

...that is killing human movement.

Toes stuck in tapered, immobile shoes are too.

If movement is life, which I truly believe,

then we are denying our children life!

Jeff Moreno, DPT, Founder Move2Thrive

In both cases, the act alone is not the problem. The amount of time spent doing it compounded by the level of one's activity or inactivity when they're not doing it can result in a problem.

In both cases, people in our society do A LOT of it. They are both epidemically affecting movement quality. Both can result in chronically tight and weak muscles, ligaments and tendons all throughout the body. If movement is life, it can be said that they are both killing us.

A school in California recently became the first school to lose chairs for standing desks. Excellent move. Read more here.

We now know sitting kills. Realize that the repeated use and immobility of footwear is taking years off of human lives all the time.

PLEASE take the time to watch the following fantastic and paradigm-shifting video series from Stephanie Welch of Shoes Are Not Paleo, which explains all and then some in a very easy-to-understand yet conclusive way. Click on the image to link to the series:

Let your feet free when possible and choose footwear responsibly (as can be currently.) Your mind, body and spirit will thank you!!!

Leave a comment below telling us one way YOU are going to FREE YOUR FEET today!

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